Research Projects

Research Projects Results (1)

The impact of disruptive technologies on maritime trade and maritime industry ( 2018 )

Associate Professor Goh Puay Guan
: Analytics and Operations

This project aims to generate new insights on the impact of major technological shifts on the maritime industry and maritime trade. The project is to be conducted in collaboration with MPA, the World Bank and NTU to provide a short, high-level report on this topic and will be announced at the “Maritime Outlook Forum” in Oct 2019

The project discusses key technological trends under Thrust 1 (Efficient intelligent world-class next-generation port) and Thrust 5 (Sustainable maritime environment and energy) of the Singapore Maritime R&D roadmap, and aims to understand the potential impact of these trends on the maritime industry and maritime trade in Singapore.

The technology trends include :
1.Manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing
2.e-commerce and impact on logistics and distribution patterns
3.Blockchain and its application to shipping documents and trade finance

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