Research Projects

Research Projects Results (1)

The Effects of Feedback on Project-Based Learning ( 2018 )

Associate Professor Sarah Cheah, Dr Bimlesh Wadhwa and Dr Mark Gan Joo Seng
: Management and Organisation Computer Science Centre for Development of Teaching & Learning
This study investigates the effect of various feedback levels and feedback agents on students’ performance in project-based learning. While feedback is provided, there is no way to track or monitor how students are using the feedback. In addition, the nature and quality of the feedback provided are also unexplored. This study addresses the above issues by introducing three feedback levels (task, process and self-regulating) and two groups of feedback agents (academic and industry advisors) on students’ project performances to reduce the gap between actual and expected learning outcomes. The following two research questions form the basis for our study: How do the feedback levels affect the students’ industry project performance? To what extent do students use academic and industry advisors’ feedback to accomplish their project team report?
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