Research Projects

Research Projects Results (1)

The Downsides of Morality at Work ( 2017 )

Assistant Professor Yam Kai Chi
: Management and Organisation
Behavioural ethics research has typically explored the benefits of morality at work. In this research, I discuss two projects that examine the unintended negative effects of being a moral person at work. In the first, I explore the tension between morality and humour and the downstream consequences of such tension. Results from five studies employing different methodologies suggest that moral employees produce fewer jokes, appreciate humour less, and are perceived by co-workers to be less funny. These perceptions, in turn, lead to reduced likeability at work. In the second, I explore the tension between morality and creativity. Using primary, multisource, multi-wave data from a sample of CEO and Chief Human Resources Officer dyads in the biotechnology industry, I find that CEOs with strong moral identities promote rule-adhering organisational norms that negatively impact firm innovation. In sum, I suggest that although morality is generally a positive trait, it can have downsides in certain situations that must be recognised and effectively managed.
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