Research Projects

Research Projects Results (1)

Social Intelligence with Big Data ( 2017 )

Associate Professor Chong Juin Kuan and Assistant Professor Yao Dai
: Marketing
The advances in internet technology over the past decade have accumulated voluminous amounts of social interaction data in different business contexts. The wide availability of these data has attracted researchers from both business and economics, and computer science to analyse customers and their online behaviours. An overt gap exists in the perspectives that researchers in different areas take. Business and economics researchers mainly focus on analysing the triggers and consequences of certain customer behaviours, while computer science researchers are more focused on developing smarter and more efficient algorithms to infer the true social connections between customers and their social interaction data, without inquiring if and how customers may influence each other through their connections and interactions. Motivated by the need to bridge the gap, we engage in several lines of investigations incorporating the perspectives from both fields, to deepen our understanding and utilisation of social interaction data, and to influence customer behaviours.
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