Research Projects

Research Projects Results (1)

Parental Consumption Decision and Children’s Well-Being ( 2018 )

Associate Professor Li Xiuping
: Marketing
In this project, we examine how the lay beliefs of parents’ impact the way they spend on their children. Some people, termed as entity theorists, hold a relatively fixed view of personal traits and characters and do not believe that they can change much over time. Others, named as incremental theorists, hold a malleable view and believe that their personal qualities are changeable. For parents with incremental theories, they are more likely to have a balancing strategy regarding how to choose the extra-curriculum activity for their children. If their children show characteristics such as being an extrovert, they would put their children in training programs that would instil qualities of an introvert in the children. In comparison, parents who hold an entity view about self-concept, are more likely to choose a training program that would be compatible with the revealed characters of their kids. We hypothesise that parents with an incremental theory, compared to those with entity theory, are more likely to balance their children’s characters and choose a training (education) program that is incompatible with their kids’ revealed characters.
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