Research Projects

Research Projects Results (1)

How Generalizable are Findings from Archival Research? A Large-Scale Empirical Test ( 2017 )

Professor Andrew Delios
: Strategy and Policy
The crisis of confidence in science has largely centred on psychology, medicine, and experimental research. However, there are reasons to be concerned about the robustness of findings from archival research in management. These include the poor availability of data for re-analysis due to confidentiality concerns, non-disclosure agreements with private companies, loss, and investigator unwillingness, and anecdotal cases of findings collapsing when errors are corrected and alternative analyses are attempted. This research leverages an expansive longitudinal archival data set to examine if findings from a given span of years emerge in adjacent spans of years using the same analytic approach in the original investigation. We conduct “robustness + extension” analyses to examine the extent to which the findings do or do not extend to similar but distinct contexts. Importantly, this is a test of the generalisability, not replicability of archival findings.
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