Research Projects

Research Projects Results (1)

Benchmarking Productivity in Singapore: The Productivity Research Network (PRN) ( 2018 )

Professor Filippo di Mauro
: Strategy and Policy
Singaporean companies have successfully made the transition from a manufacturing- based economy to a service-based, technology-enabled ‘New Economy’. They are synchronized with the global business ecosystem and offer innovative products and services that are ahead of the curve. But, despite significant efforts to maintain competitive advantages and spur innovations, their productivity performance – in the aggregate – is rather lacklustre. This project aims to tackle the challenges posed by the New Economy from the perspective of the nexus between innovation and productivity. We have identified three main areas where the changes brought about by the New Economy have the greatest impact: supply chains, industrial policies, and labour markets — particularly, the development of human capital. Our empirical strategy is drawing on our team members’ track record of data collection (particularly survey data) and top-notch research within these areas. Our first aim is to develop and run a set of new dedicated surveys, developed by our team members, for Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region: 1.International Firm Localisation and Productivity (IFLP) for Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia 2.extension of World Management Survey (WMS) – currently covering over 20,000 firms in 35 developed and developing economies – to Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region 3.Singapore version of the Management and Organizational Practices/Uncertainty Survey (MOPS) Our second aim is to match this survey information with a variety of firm-level data sources collected under the project initiative and develop insightful research as described in detail in the individual study proposals. Our research focus – given the track record of the promoters and collaborators – is expected to result in at least 10 articles published in leading journals. Our first goal is to understand how technological changes affect the labour market and ultimately spill over on company productivity. Second, we focus on global value chains and supplier-customer linkages. Third, we explore the potentially corrective role of targeted industrial and financial policies. Fourth, we focus on the role of human capital in the new economy.
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