Journal Article Year
Roy Y. J. Chua, Kenneth G. Huang, and Mengzi Jin, “Mapping cultural tightness and its links to innovation, urbanization, and happiness across 31 provinces in China”, PNAS, 116, (14),  6720-6725 2019
Jaeyeon (Jae) Chung and Leonard Lee, “To Buy or to Resist: When Upward Social Comparison Discourages New Product Adoption”, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4(3), 280-292 2019
Marleen Dieleman and Ishtiaq P. Mahmood, “TUNAIKU: An Innovative Indonesian Fintech Navigates Regulatory Ambuguity”, Ivey case publishing 9B20M036 2020
Neha Tripathi, Zhu Jinlong, Jacob Gabriel Henry, Michael Frese and Michael M. Gielnik, “Intraindividual Variability in Identity Centrality: Examining the Dynamics of Perceived Role Progress and State Identity Centrality”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 889-906 2020
Sun, S., Wang, N., Zhu, J., & Song, Z. L.. (2020). Crafting job demands and employee creativity: A diary study. Human Resource Management, 59(6), 569-583. 2020
Hubner, S., Frese, M., Song Z., Tripathi, N., Kaschner, T., & Kong, X. L. (2021). An Asia-centric approach to team innovation: Cultural differences in exploration and exploitation behavior. Journal of Business Research (JBR). 2021
Song, Z. L., Ma, Y. (2021) An Asian-Centric View of Cross-Culture Leadership Research. In De Cremer. D. (Ed), Understanding the Emergence of Asian leadership, (pp.3-30). De Gruyter. 2021
Hubner, S., Most, F., Wirtz, J., & Auer, C. (2021). Narratives in entrepreneurial ecosystems: drivers of effectuation versus causation. Small Business Economics, 1-32. 2021
Liao, Z., Lee, H. W., Johnson, R., Song, Z., & Liu, Y. (In press). Seeing from a short-term perspective: When and why daily abusive supervisor behavior yields functional and dysfunctional consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2022
Jain, A. and K.G. Huang (2022). Learning from the Past: How Prior Experience Impacts the Value of Innovation after Scientist Relocation. Journal of Management, 48(3): 571-604. 2022