Research Projects

Research Projects Results (1)

Feeling the Heat of the Mid-life Pause: Impact of Menopause on Work and Well-being ( 2016 )

Professor Vivien Lim Kim Geok
: Management and Organisation
For women, transiting into midlife (40-55 years) is especially significant as it is marked by the onset of and transition into menopause. Menopause brings with it many physical, psychological and emotional changes. Given that most women in this life stage are still engaged in paid employment, the physical, psychological and emotional outcomes triggered by this mid-life change, clearly, have significant implications for work and well-being, particularly in a society where the workforce is rapidly ageing, such as Singapore. This study examines the impact of menopause on employees’ work-related outcomes and well-being, as well as organizational strategies to help women cope with this mid-life transition.
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